VMware Horizon 8 2303 发布下载 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件

Version | 2303 | Documentation | Release Notes | Release Date | 2023-03-30 | 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件
VMware Horizon
通过高效安全地将 虚拟桌面和应用 从本地部署环境交付到云端,提升 数字化工作空间 体验。

借助 VMware Horizon 更快地扩展虚拟桌面
下载 Principled Technologies 调查报告,了解 VMware Horizon 相对于 Citrix 提供的众多优势。
为您的团队提供可随时随地在任何设备上使用的数字化工作空间。Horizon 虚拟桌面和应用平台深度集成到 VMware 技术生态系统中 (sysin),可为当今的 随处可用的工作空间 提供敏捷的云就绪基础、一流的现代管理和端到端安全性。
使用云端控制台和 SaaS 管理服务,跨私有云、混合云和多云基础架构高效部署、管理、监控和扩展桌面及应用。
利用新一代混合 DaaS 体系架构实现传统基础架构转型。自动置备和管理虚拟桌面和应用,同时提供终端用户所需的个性化设置。
采用可扩展的云端平台 (sysin),该平台通过跨私有云和公有云的灵活部署选项提供所需的恢复能力,以便应对所面临的变化。
利用内置在 VMware 基础架构中的 NSX 和原生安全性,确保从任何设备均能安全地远程访问企业资源。与 Carbon Black 集成,利用零信任模式提高安全性。
以更加灵活、可靠的方式访问资源 (sysin),可节省成本并实现业务价值。
通过与 VMware Cloud Foundation 集成,提供适合本地部署或云部署的一致数字化体系架构和管理以及 超融合基础架构。
采用 Blast Performance 和 Blast 3D,可提供安全的工作站级性能 (sysin)、丰富多彩的 2D 和 3D 图形以及沉浸式终端用户体验。
通过利用即时克隆技术、VMware App Volumes 和 VMware Dynamic Environment Manager 可部署功能齐全的个性化虚拟桌面和应用,从而实现管理现代化。
使用 vRealize for Horizon 或更精细的桌面指标监控基础架构产品体系的运行状况和性能,使用 ControlUp 确定问题根本原因并进行修复。
通过利用 Horizon 控制平面 中的自动化功能和 SaaS 服务,跨本地部署环境、混合云或公有云部署和管理桌面及应用,并提供最新的基础架构。
- 利用 Workspace ONE Intelligence 实现端到端可见性
监控、分析和设置虚拟桌面和应用警报 (sysin)。通过利用率指标、容量报告、修复工作流和可自定义的仪表盘,提供基本和高级应用场景。
Deployment Options
基于 vSAN for Horizon 的 HCI
- Public Cloud
- 基于 VMware Cloud on AWS 的 Horizon
- 基于 Oracle Cloud 的 Horizon
- 基于 Azure VMware Solution
- 基于 Google Cloud VMware Engine 的 Horizon
- 基于 VMware Cloud on Dell EMC 的 VMware Horizon
Horizon 订阅服务的版本
- Horizon Universal Subscription
- Windows and Linux VDI and application delivery
- Advanced security and user experience features
- vSAN entitlement
- Flexibility to deploy on an on-premises private cloud and/or in the public cloud
- SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
- SaaS services to deploy, manage, and monitor VDI and app environments across cloud
- Horizon Standard Plus Subscription
- Windows VDI
- Essential security and user experience features
- Single cloud deployment on an on-premises private or public vSphere cloud
- SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
- Horizon Enterprise Plus Subscription
借助用于单一云部署的精选云管理服务出色地交付桌面和应用 (sysin)。
- Windows and Linux VDI and application delivery
- Essential security and user experience features
- vSAN entitlement
- Single cloud deployment on an on-premises private or public vSphere cloud
- SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI and app environments
- Horizon Apps Universal Subscription
- Windows and Linux virtual application delivery
- Advanced set of security and user experience features
- Flexibility to deploy on-premises and/or in the cloud
- SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
- SaaS services to deploy, manage, and monitor VDI and app environments across clouds
- Horizon Apps Standard Subscription
借助用于本地部署或云部署的基本云管理服务轻松交付应用 (sysin)。
- Windows and Linux virtual application delivery
- Standard management features
- Essential security and user experience features
- Single cloud deployment on-premises private or in the public cloud
- SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
什么是 VMware Horizon?
VMware Horizon 是一个现代平台,可跨混合云运行并交付虚拟桌面和应用。对于管理员而言,这意味着简单、自动化且安全的桌面和应用管理 (sysin)。对于用户而言,它可以跨设备和位置提供一致的体验。
什么是 VMware Horizon Client?
VMware Horizon Client 是一款软件,让您能够将 VMware Horizon 虚拟桌面连接到所选设备,从而随时随地进行移动访问。此软件适用于 Windows、Mac、iOS、Linux、Chrome 和 Android,可从 my.vmware.com/cn 进行下载。
如何在 VMware Horizon 中创建 VDI?
借助 VMware Horizon,您可以设置和管理虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI)。实现方法是创建和置备桌面池以进行集中式管理 (sysin)。有关使用 Horizon 设置 VDI 的更多信息,请参阅 Horizon 文档中心。
VMware Horizon 的工作原理
VMware Horizon 在数据中心或云环境中运行远程桌面和应用,并将它们作为代管服务提供给员工。它提供跨私有云和公有云(例如 Microsoft Azure、VMware Cloud™ on AWS、Google Cloud VMware Engine 和 VMware Cloud on Dell EMC)的灵活部署选项。阅读 技术区文章 以了解更多信息。
VMware Horizon 是 VPN 吗?
VMware Horizon 不是虚拟专用网络 (VPN)。它使用 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 来支持对 Horizon 的安全远程访问。它支持通过 VPN 远程访问桌面和应用,但通常不需要 VPN。有关更多信息,请阅读 博客文章。
什么是 VMware Horizon 控制平面服务?
借助可以将授权联系起来并统一管理的云服务,Horizon 控制平面可以跨 Horizon 环境、本地部署环境和云环境简化和自动化管理 (sysin)。单击以详细了解每项 Horizon 控制平面服务。
- 虚拟峰会:利用现代虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 助力远程员工
- VMware Horizon Enterprise Cloud Pod 体系架构解决方案概述
- Horizon 常见问题解答
- Workspace Security VDI 解决方案简述
- Horizon 产品介绍
- VMware Horizon 与竞争产品的比较
- 产品介绍:新一代混合 DaaS 体系架构
- 主要 Horizon 活动路径
- VMware Horizon 订阅内容比较
- VMware Horizon 和 Horizon Apps 永久和按期限订阅内容比较
- 面向 Citrix 管理员的 Horizon 简介
- 适用于 Horizon 虚拟桌面和 RDSH 服务器的 VMware OS Optimization Tool
- VMware Workspace ONE 和 Horizon 参考体系架构
- Workspace ONE 和 Horizon 终端用户采用
- Horizon 文档中心
- Horizon 中的网络端口
- VMware Horizon 中的 VMware Blast Extreme 显示协议
- 使用 VMware Horizon 部署硬件加速显卡
- 有关在 VMware Horizon 7 中提供 Microsoft Office 365 的最佳实践
- 数字化工作空间技术区
- VMware Horizon 快速入门教程系列
- VMware 培训:Horizon 学习途径
- 适用于 Horizon 的 VMware 首选负载均衡器解决方案
- Horizon on Microsoft Azure VMware Solution 常见问题解答
VMware Horizon 8 Enterprise:
VMware Horizon 8 2303 Enterprise, 2023-03-30
- Horizon Connection Server (64-bit) File size: 326.24 MB File type: exe Name: VMware-Horizon-Connection-Server-x86_64-8.9.0-21507980.exe Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21507980 Horizon Connection Server (64-bit) Connection Server to provision and manage desktops MD5SUM: 590cbd38d9fdc575029010694a069464 SHA1SUM: 1c4629b923940c9d25ed7248f9f6d11b2bb5a144 SHA256SUM: 1383def2597a712f546878ec5049310ddc759372b95620d1ce8e5d62c4e45071
- Horizon Recording Server File size: 81.06 MB File type: exe Name: HorizonRecordingServer-1.7.7.exe Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21386611 Horizon Recording Server Server to manage recording of virtual sessions MD5SUM: 0bf16dc1d84d95f7399f4145fa8b4880 SHA1SUM: 90b3be25aab2a65d2d2a8b144e6a6e2224639dcc SHA256SUM: b285142e7602f0f78974e23c9ff0967c5f3c392c16924772d4d0e494026ab88b
- Horizon Agent (64-bit) File size: 238.54 MB File type: exe Name: VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21435111.exe Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21435111 Horizon Agent (64-bit) Guest agent required for each remote desktop MD5SUM: b5af9008c9b882ad706c6b448d887f3d SHA1SUM: 933a44f83cff4f5d5240a753c16139d884600867 SHA256SUM: 12bde5b2d72b438a49d6c9092ac6c26bcd97eafaa7c74d3ce428b13e665a44b0
- Horizon Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) File size: 48.15 MB File type: exe Name: VMware-Horizon-Agent-Direct-Connection-x86_64-8.9.0-21435111.exe Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21435111 Horizon Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) An installable plugin to support direct connect and Horizon Air MD5SUM: a54a1fff5537c0342eaf63c71c9ba52e SHA1SUM: b6010b29961b6111eb61c12247287b9a58a796e7 SHA256SUM: 6ab0ec4b7c13b7fd29517ed48a65959cd9dcddf9d040737f5b49785c392baa01
- Horizon Agent for 64-bit Linux File size: 126.72 MB File type: gz Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz Release Date: 2023-03-16 Build Number: 21434177 Horizon Agent for 64-bit Linux VMware Horizon agent for systems running 64-bit Linux MD5SUM: 0c02b5fd033870ded3f109e3ab67e7a1 SHA1SUM: d30865b50bf34cecab0271c08f20210ff6c8366d SHA256SUM: 22697d1bd2b8ce939fd3c01028c07bad932c8c495ca31e6b7ccde0e3a07db5a0
- Horizon Agent for 64-bit Redhat8.x Linux File size: 121.09 MB File type: rpm Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-2303-8.9.0-21434177.el8.x86_64.rpm Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21434177 Horizon Agent for 64-bit Redhat8.x Linux VMware Horizon agent for system running 64-bit Redhat 8.x Linux MD5SUM: b07c3f02150a42b97f74ce429d8cf5c6 SHA1SUM: 60f915beb9583dd7cce59914537877cc4393f417 SHA256SUM: 8d6ae2f29cf9fdf517168e6b994ef9153649051c477897a98d44a92a4d98c97c
- Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) File size: 39.15 MB File type: gz Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-vadc-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21434177 Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) VMware Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) installer MD5SUM: 95e52803cd5849a0d5485ede6039c900 SHA1SUM: c9003b1c0b1bc56d8681338894589e2b9ab0d293 SHA256SUM: 580af1e445328d148405fb26936d7c98730793eb638ac14404261545a9a2fb55
- Horizon Recording Agent File size: 11.46 MB File type: exe Name: HorizonRecordingAgent-1.7.8.exe Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21386611 Horizon Recording Agent Agent software that records virtual sessions MD5SUM: d290663a01ae793ae96fc6b2316c0f13 SHA1SUM: 9199b5752fc2fdf27db3a3b4f8c514dd95e5f2d9 SHA256SUM: 066b65acefa9604cad0c6fc3c11fffa5922645e2b187d809382771d6618be332
- Horizon HTML Access Direct-Connection File size: 8.39 MB File type: zip Name: VMware-Horizon-View-HTML-Access-2303-8.9.0-21414280.zip Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21414280 Horizon HTML Access Direct-Connection Web server static content for supporting HTML Access with Horizon Agent Direct-Connection MD5SUM: c9828526aa7e29b542b745fc7c9056fa SHA1SUM: e301dbd94dabd4830ab102a4789a9a9e27338af3 SHA256SUM: 850f6fa7f24d803b73c708e1ba1b2423a58d5d7c38e247cb164e4ec6f0535c26
- Horizon GPO Bundle File size: 924.25 KB File type: zip Name: VMware-Horizon-Extras-Bundle-2303-8.9.0-21444108.zip Release Date: 2023-03-30 Build Number: 21444108 Horizon GPO Bundle Zip file containing various ADM template files to configure Horizon functionality MD5SUM: 1d58bf5cfa9a9dbe6f1a2519c91722b7 SHA1SUM: 821a249fbfd9f858f6e6b3879b5e8ca6e744d4ae SHA256SUM: 9aedd7538cbaa32210b1da6bf9bd09752e014bf84329598fb914e98fadd20b73
<hr/>Unified Access Gateway Enterprise files. For use with Horizon Enterprise.
- Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud (Non-FIPS) File size: 2.33 GB File type: ova Name: euc-unified-access-gateway- Release Date: 2023-03-14 Build Number: 21401666 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud (Non-FIPS) Deploy VMWare Tunnel or Content Gateway using Unified Access Gateway virtual appliance. MD5SUM: 279fe1127826978db6f555f381a66382 SHA1SUM: ec456f8123e3baedb591b6a0f2f3a224f91739ed SHA256SUM: 7ffd2f59f222f71503a755a651cdc22e411aad6745c97f7b31ef5a27d91a2f45
- Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere (FIPS) (N/A) File size: 1.98 GB File type: ova Name: euc-unified-access-gateway-fips- Release Date: 2023-03-14 Build Number: 21401664 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere (FIPS) Deploy VMWare Tunnel or Content Gateway using Unified Access Gateway FIPS virtual appliance MD5SUM: 28a8c48d2923d3de0d11791963383795 SHA1SUM: faa61e02c469cb52415c2ace3d417e9912652713 SHA256SUM: 34ecc2bd2a04ed559516135e6baa2689f9d6acaeeccc81b93b19b58634dd2582
- Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure (N/A) File size: 2.23 GB File type: zip Name: euc-unified-access-gateway- Release Date: 2023-03-14 Build Number: 21401667 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure Non-FIPS MD5SUM: c0cc1b2bec2d0d4def23e108aea5f8ef SHA1SUM: 97c57c728ddc4d988fa99d2b10a73cc5241a7052 SHA256SUM: 968d062f9092a425a40410202ee3c9f3fe31ab13cd822a3a832ccad845e46797
- Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts (N/A) File size: 95.1 KB File type: zip Name: uagdeploy- Release Date: 2023-03-14 Build Number: 21401666 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts MD5SUM: e1e5dce8316c897b30f7ee1f2ea22fcf SHA1SUM: 11126e64268bb45fda14011bdf849c67115ed8f0 SHA256SUM: e981698fee00e59b6e294ecb5b93ca742190b058d8dec27babac436ee60c4a5c
VMware Horizon Client 8, version 2303
- VMware Horizon Client for Windows VMware Horizon Client for Windows (Include)
- VMware Horizon Client for Mac VMware Horizon Client for macOS (Include)
- VMware Horizon Client for Linux VMware Horizon Client for 32-bit Linux (Include in 2012, no update) VMware Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux (Include) VMware Horizon Client for Linux tarball version (Include)
- VMware Horizon Client for iOS VMware Horizon Client for iOS devices -> App Store
- VMware Horizon Client for Android VMware Horizon Client for Android 32-bit x86-based devices (Include) VMware Horizon Client for Android 64-bit x86-based devices (Include) VMware Horizon Client for Android 32-bit ARM-based devices (Include) VMware Horizon Client for Android 64-bit ARM-based devices (Include) VMware Horizon Client for Android devices from Google Play store -> 点击下载 VMware Horizon Client for Kindle Fire in Amazon Appstore for Android -> 点击下载
- VMware Horizon Client for Chrome VMware Horizon Client for Chrome devices -> 点击下载
<hr/>VMware App Volumes 4, version 2303, 2023-03-30
- App Volumes ISO File File size: 586.95 MB File type: ISO Name: VMware_App_Volumes_v4.10.0.27_10032023.ISO Release Date: 2023-03-30 App Volumes ISO File VMware App Volumes desktop product disk image file MD5SUM: 71f72ff7ea2346290a0042af75455bbc SHA1SUM: aebbff557b19ef453aa75d048011d0cff96400e9 SHA256SUM: 3a1414329d30b03a09f8dc61aeea54cc1ebd201fec93e595576f9c4da7175fd8
VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Enterprise 2303, 2023-03-30
- VMware Dynamic Environment Manager File size: 36.4 MB File type: zip Name: VMware-DEM-Enterprise-2303-10.9-GA.zip Release Date: 2023-03-30 VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Contains all Dynamic Environment Manager installation files and administrative templates MD5SUM: 8b32c11b430f961d07741012b0b7f309 SHA1SUM: d88b53d47095ecd5f8d21a51dd88fe6a2ebbc676 SHA256SUM: c4881fc455b09d5591a87e1d2c784383a607a37280ef5dad6b8103784e8ae0f4
VMware ThinApp 2212, 2023-01-12
No update: VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件
VMware Workspace ONE Access, 2022-12-13
No update: VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件
上一版本:VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件
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