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essay干货分享:APA 文献引用格式









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APA 文献引用格式
APA is the abbreviation of the American Psychological Association, and APA referencing is based on the style of academic writing favored by the APA.
here are two parts to acknowledging an information source used for your assignment:
an in-text citation (which appears with the words quoted or paraphrased in your text)
a reference (which appears in a reference list at the end of your assignment).
References list
• At the end of your assignment, compile a list of all sources referred to in your assignment.
• Start the list on a new page with the word References centred and not bold.
• The list must be alphabetical, by author’s last name, or first word of title if used.
• Format the list with double line spacing and indent the second and subsequent lines of each entry.
• Every entry in your reference list should have a corresponding citation.
Each reference has four basic parts:

  • Author. Last name first, followed by the initials — Arnott, G. D. or Smith, A. K., & Wilson, T.
  • Date. Usually only the year, always in brackets, with a full stop following the bracket — (2009).
    If there is no clear publication date, use (n.d.) to indicate no date.
    Use a full date for material published daily such as blogs or newspapers — (2009, May 3).
  • Title. The first letter of the first word of the title, the subtitle, and all proper nouns have capital letters.
    Book titles are in italics — Intercultural communication: A discourse approach.
    Journal titles and volume numbers are in italics (not the article title), then follow the issue and page
    numbers — Tea: Hydration and other benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34–42.
  • Publisher / URL.
Books in print will have a place of publication and publisher. If the place is an American city, use
city and two letter state code — New York, NY.
If the place of publication is non–American, use city and country — Brisbane, Australia.
Online sources have either an URL (online address) or a digital object identifier — DOI.
ReferencesIn-text citation when quoting orparaphrasing
Print book with one author:Arnott, G. D. (2005). Working in aged care and disability services: Anintroduction. Croydon, Australia: Tertiary Press.(Arnott, 2005) or Arnott (2005) compares work in….
Print book with two editors:Burley, J., & Harris, J. (Eds.). (2002). A companion to genethics.Malden, MA: Blackwell.(Burley & Harris, 2002) or Burley and Harris (2002) stated the ….
Books with multiple authors (use all authors up to seven):Allen, J. E., O'Toole, W., & Donnell, J. B. (2011). Festival and specialevent management (5th ed.). Milton, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.(Allen, O'Toole, & Donnell, 2011)and subsequently -(Allen et al., 2011)
Chapter in edited book:Hall, R. (1995). Stabilizing population growth. In P. Sarre & J. Blunden(Eds.), An overcrowded world (pp. 109–120). New York, NY:Oxford University Press.‘the growth....year’ (Hall, 1995, p. 110)orAs Hall (1995) pointed out…
E-book:Tomal, D. R. (2010). Action research for educators. Retrieved fromhttp://ebookcentral.proquest.com(Tomal, 2010)orTomal (2010) examines…
E-book — edited:Parkes, C. M., Laungani, P., & Young, B. (Eds.). (2015). Death andbereavement across cultures (2nd ed.). Retrieved fromhttp://ebookcentral.proquest.com(Parkes, Laungani, & Young, 2015) orParkes, Laungani and Young (2015)recommend the ….
Journal article from database — with no DOI:Turner, S. (2001). Cargo–cultural studies. New Zealand Sociology,16(2), 69–76. Retrieved fromhttps://nzsociology.nz/index.php/nzs/— use url from journal homepage, NOT database url(Turner, 2001) orTurner (2001) recommends ….
Journal article online or from database — with DOI:Westhues, A., Lafrance, J., & Schmidt, G. (2001). A SWOT analysis ofsocial work education in Canada. Social Work Education, 20(1),35–56. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615470020028364— use DOI only in this format, NOT the words ‘Retrieved from’(Westhues, Lafrance, & Schmidt,2001) orWesthues, Lafrance and Schmidt(2001) assert that ……
Online video:Harrison, B. (n.d.). Improving student writing with digital stories [Videofile]. Retrieved fromhttp://elearning.tki.org.nz/Teaching/Futurefocused-learning/Digital-stories — include material type: [Video file](Harrison, n.d.)orHarrison (n.d.) demonstrated that…
Web page:Statistics New Zealand. (n.d.). Review of economic standard of living.Retrieved from http://www.stats.govt.nz/Publications/consultationpaper.aspx(Statistics New Zealand, n.d.) or‘real income as proxy’ (Statistics NewZealand, n.d., para. 3)If no page nr, count paragraphs on page
Personal communication:Information such as letters, telephone conversations, emails orinterviews, is considered personal communication.No entry is needed in the reference list.(K. M. Ingraham, personalcommunication, April 5, 2013) orK. M. Ingraham (personalcommunication, April 5, 2013) stated…
Standard:Standards New Zealand. (2013). Conditions of contract for building andcivil engineering construction (NZS 3910:2013). Retrieved fromhttps://shop-standards-govt-nz(Standards New Zealand, 2013)
In-text citations
• When paraphrasing, citations can be part of a sentence or placed at the end of a sentence.
Page numbers are not used
— Lazar (2006) notes that a fundamental part of usability testing is understanding demographics.
— When testing usability of a website, it is necessary to gather demographic information (Lazar, 2006).
• If you are quoting directly from a source, use quotation marks and include a page or paragraph number with
the citation. Quotation marks can be single (‘) or double (“); Open Polytechnic favours single quotation marks
— Students receiving ‘additional information literacy training achieved higher grades than students who
did not attend any skills sessions’ (Capel, 2002, p. 323).
APA格式(American Psychological Association)是一个为广泛接受的研究论文撰写格式,特别针对社会科学领域的研究,规范学术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法,以及表格、图表、注脚和附录的编排方式。其规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文后参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author's First Name)之前。

  • 文献引用是在一篇文章的段落或文字之中“参考来源”的标注。APA格式使用哈佛大学文章引用格式,通常来说,一个引用包含了作者名和发表日期,以括号夹注(有时会再加上页数),放在引用文字或句子之后。
    详细的引用或参考资料则放在位于文章最后的“参考文献”或“Works Cited”部分。APA格式明确的定义“参考文献”只放入文章内容引用的来源,所以有些文章才会有“参考文献(Reference)”和“Bibliography”的分别。(Bibliography另外包含了作者背景知识的来源,不一定是直接被引用的文献。)
    A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2005). Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
    A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu, 2005). Pauling and Liu (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
    第一次引用时需列举全部的作者,往后若引用相同的文献,只需举出最主要的作者,再加上“et al.”。但是,在参考文献部分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。
    A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, Liu, & Guo, 2005). Pauling, Liu, and Guo (2005) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling et al., 2005).
    举出第一位作者即可,格式应为“(作者 et al.,年份)”。在参考文献部分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。
    Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
    A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b). Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism
    A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Alford, 1995; Pauling, 2004, 2005; Sirkis, 2003)
    When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said "I think it's the reinforcement" (Pauling, 2004, p. 69).
  • 参考文献清单编辑
APA格式规定“参考文献”部分的人名必须以姓(Family name)的字母顺序来排列,包括名(first name)的前缀。譬如,James Smith应被改成“Smith,J.,”;Saif Al Falasi则改成“Al-Falasi, Saif.”。(阿拉伯文名字通常在姓氏和前缀之间加上连字号“−”,所以姓氏和前缀自成一体。)

  • 纸本文献
    Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.
    Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.
    (3) 文集中的文章:
    Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.
    Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.
    Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.
    Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.
    Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). Misquotes are "Problematastic" says Mayor. Toronto Sol. p. 4.
    Revenue Canada. (2001). Advanced gouging: Manual for employees (MP 65–347/1124). Ottawa: Minister of Immigration and Revenue.
  • 线上文献
Marlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white [Electronic version].Journal of Pointless Research, 11,123–124.
Blofeld, E. S. (1994, March 1). Expressing oneself through Persian cats and modern architecture.Felines & Felons, 4,Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址
Paradise, S., Moriarty, D., Marx, C., Lee, O. B., Hassel, E., et al. (1957, July). Portrayals of fictional characters in reality-based popular writing: Project update.Off the beaten path, 7(3). Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址
What I did today.(n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2002, from 网页地址
Rogers, B. (2078).Faster-than-light travel: What we've learned in the first twenty years.Retrieved August 24, 2079, from Mars University, Institute for Martian Studies Web site: 网页地址
Costanza, G., Seinfeld, J., Benes, E., Kramer, C., & Peterman, J. (1993). Minutiæ and insignificant observations from the nineteen-nineties.Journal about Nothing, 52,475–649. Retrieved October 31, 1999, from NoTHINGJournals database.
(A. Monterey, personal communication, September 28, 2001).
Nix, G. (2002). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [CD]。New York: Random House/Listening Library.
Nix, G. (2002). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [Cassette Recording No. 1999-1999-1999]。New York: Random House/Listening Library.

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